Volunteer Opportunities
Join a committee:
Please consider volunteering for one (or more) listed below. There are also plenty of other ways to volunteer at Tech. Fill out our volunteer form and let us know how you can help out.
Nomination Committee
Manage the election process for officers of the PA Executive Board, following the DOE Chancellor’s regulations. Generate notices of call for nominees and make the announcement at the April PA meeting. Receive nominations and then present the final slate of candidates at the May PA meeting. Finally, run the election at the June PA meeting, which may include preparing paper ballots if any positions are contested. Nomination Committee members are not allowed to run for office. (March-June & September)
Communications Committee -
Implement communication strategies, organize materials for the website, FaceBook page and Tech Talk, implement publicity and marketing strategies, write press releases, design fliers and handouts.
Fundraising Committee
Introduce, develop and coordinate new ways to raise funds. Search for grant opportunities. Assist with current fundraising activities, including the annual appeal mailing, email challenges and online auction.
Audit Committee
The audit committee will prepare an audit of all financial affairs of the organization and will prepare a written report to be presented to the membership at its May meeting or upon completion of their review and investigation, as applicable. The treasurer will make all books and records available to them.
Budget Committee
The budget committee is responsible for drafting a proposed budget each spring for approval by the membership along with a written review of the prior year's budget, both of which must be presented for vote at the May membership meeting.
Running for a position on the Executive Board or SLT is a great opportunity to be more involved at Tech.
Nominations are taken in the fall, with elections in October. Incoming families have the opportunity to run for
one of the six open SLT positions or one of Executive Board positions. Nominations for those will be taken in September
with elections in October.
The PA Presidency, VP of Fundraising, and VP of Communication can be filled by an individual or by two people running
together. An additional sophomore vice president (VP) can be elected in the fall. Candidates may run for positions
not filled in the spring in the fall.
Click here to read more about Executive Board positions.
Click here for information about this year's elections.
Events that volunteers have help facilitate in the past:
High School Fair (Fall): Tech hosted the two day DOE sponsored, city-wide high school fair and needed parent volunteers to help and to translate, in Spanish and Chinese, if possible.
Open House (Fall): parents volunteers helped answer questions, give directions and translated.
Teacher/Staff Recognition Dinner (November): parents organized, setup, serve, and cleaned up at the annual PA Teacher Appreciation
Dinner before the evening fall parent–teacher conferences. There were two shifts: 1st Shift 1– 3:30pm, set up & 2nd Shift 3:30 – 7pm, serving and cleanup.
Annual Brooklyn Tech College Fair Day (May): dozens of colleges came to Tech to meet with students and families. Parents volunteers were able to setup and/or clean up, run concessions, serve food to college reps, answer parent questions and help with translating.
Orientation: helped the administration and current Tech students welcome incoming families during the summer
before the school year started

Communications Committee
With a student body of over 6,000, keeping parents informed is paramount. The Communication Committee was created in response to a need for parents to have an additional source of information about the happenings at Brooklyn Tech. It is the hub for outreach from the Brooklyn Tech PA to the entire parent community.
GOAL- Our goal is to share key information with the parent community about all PA hosted events, activities and workshops around topics that are important to Tech students.
What We Do - We keep parents informed by:
Writing Tech Talk -The weekly newsletter of the Brooklyn Tech PA featuring key happenings and information at-a-glance for the upcoming week; see here for more information and to sign-up.
Maintaining the Tech PA Website -This website is the hub for all PA affairs and links to the Brooklyn Tech's website.
Updating the Tech PA Social Media Accounts- Tech families can follow, subscribe and connect with the PA on
We Need Your Participation!
Join our committee.
Help us with multilingual translations.
Diversity & Community Engagement Committee
Created during the 2017-2018 school year, this committee aims to bring Tech families together to expand our understanding of cultural differences to maintain an inclusive school culture.
GOAL: Our is goal is to provide educational events that bring Tech families together.
Events/ Workshops: We have hosted the following:
·Ice Cream Socials on Brooklyn Tech’s rooftop
·Movie, Dinner & Discussion Nights in Tech's grand auditorium screening films such as “Fordson: Faith, Fasting, and Football” and “American Promise".
·Lunar New Year Celebrations which provide education and entertainment by Tech's incredibly talented students and parents. Our 2023 event was attended by more than 450 people. This year, we held a virtual Lunar New Year Celebration that was streamed on our YouTube page and has been viewed over 2,000 times!
·Social Justice/Racial Equity Book Study Group organizes thoughtful discussions with Tech families and staff on a variety of books including “So You Want to Talk About Race”, "Caste" and “Minor Feelings”.
·Panel Discussions (virtual):
o"Between the World and Me" with producer Alisa Payne (who is also a Tech alum and parent) and director Kamilah Forbes about the journey from pre-med to filmmaking, how to make a film during a pandemic and questions of race in America. Moderated by student co-hosts Saira Masud '23 and Janelle Teesdale '21
o"Call Center Blues" with multi-Emmy Award winning director Geeta Gandbhir and Cinematographer of “Between the World and Me” Christine Ng . Moderated by Saira Masud '23 and Angeli Pante '21.
We Need Your Participation!
Join our committee.
Come to our events.
Email ideas for cultural events and suggestions our Book Study Club .
Events & Volunteers Committee
This committee creates workshops and events for parents get more involved and get the information they need to support their teen through their journey at Brooklyn Tech.
GOAL: Our goal is to create events and workshops on topics that are relevant to our parent and student community.
Events/ Workshops: During the last school year, we hosted:
A Series of Monthly Parent Workshops on the following topics:
- How to Navigate BTHS
- DDP for Freshman Parents
- Taming the Tiger of Test Anxiety
- Strategies for Writing the College Application Essay
- Interview Tips for High School Students
- The College Checklist – Year by Year, Grades 9-12
- Navigating Naviance
- The Art of Motivation
- Understanding College Financial Aid and Paying for College
Organizing Virtual Breakfast & Dinner with the Principal - allows small groups of parents to meet with the Principal to discuss questions and concerns and to hear the Principal's educational philosophy
We Need Your Participation!
Join our committees.
Come to our events.
Suggest topics for future workshops.
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for all parent activities that are primarily designed to raise funds to support all Brooklyn Tech students.
GOAL - Our goal is to raise funds to support all of the students at Tech while building community and having fun.
What We Do: Activities we organize include,(but are not limited to):
The Annual Appeal - read more here
The Spring Gala and Auction
Tech merchandise development and sales
Email Fundraising challenges
The funds raised and contributed by Tech families have supported the following:
The purchase of Naviance
Funding Teacher and club grants
Supporting the College Office
Supporting the BTHS library
Organizing study halls and a printing station for students
Funding Tech PA events and workshops
Providing technology to support remote learning during the past year and more - see here!
Each month we acknowledge our generous donors in Tech Talk and on the PA website in gratitude. These donations help make all the events possible and benefit every Tech student.
We Need Your Participation!
Join our committee.
Participate in our events.
Share new fundraising ideas by email.