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Executive Board Positions

​See informal, unofficial summaries and description of each position below.

See  official full descriptions here.


  • Preside over meetings

  • Represent the Executive Board

  • Meet regularly with Principal and AP of Parent Engagement

  • Coordinate just about everything the PA does

  • Encourage other Executive Board members to execute their responsibilities

  • This position requires the most  significant time commitment, probably 10 or more hours per week, and strong leadership, communication and organizational skills

Recording Secretary

  • Takes minutes of meetings

  • Maintains PA records

  • Requires attendance at all Executive Board and General PA Meetings strong organizational skills

Assistant Recording Secretary

  • Aids the Recording Secretary in taking minutes at PA meetings, maintaining of PA records.

  • Required attendance at all Executive Board and General PA Meetings.

  • Strong organization skills useful


  • Accountant and bookkeeper for the PA.  Tracks incomes and expenditures

  • Must be extremely detail-oriented, organized; Very helpful to have an accounting background

  • Time commitment of several hours per week and stringent record-keeping

  • Required attendance at all Executive Board and General PA Meetings

Assistant Treasurer

  • Assists the Treasurer; Must be extremely detail-oriented, organized;

  • Very helpful to have an accounting background

  • Required attendance  at all Executive Board and General PA Meetings

Corresponding Secretary

  • Reviews, maintains, and responds to all correspondence addressed to the PA

  • Detailed-orientated, organized

Vice Presidentof Fundraising

  • Plan and manage fundraising activities, such as the auction and gala

  • Requires a significant time commitment in the weeks or months proceeding the events

Vice President of Communications

  • Write the weekly Tech Talk newsletters, weekly maintenance of the PA website (weekly) and the PA social media accounts; knowledge of Wix and Constant Contact helpful

  • Significant time commitment of 5+ hours/week

Vice President of Events and Volunteers

  • Organize events such as the parent workshops, teacher appreciation dinner, orientation nights, and college fairs

  • Lead other parent volunteers 

  • Requires a significant time commitment for several weekends and evenings

Vice President  Diversity and Community Engagement

  • Promote understanding and inclusiveness in our diverse school community. 

  • Organize events such as Dinner and a Movie Night, the Lunar New Year Dinner, and the Ice Cream Social, Social Justice/ Racial Equity Book Study Club meetings

​Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Sophomore Vice Presidents (up to 2),  Freshman Parent Members at Large (up to 5)


  • Represent the interests of parents of specific grades

  • Works with the parent body of their respective grades to stay informed of the needs of the students and parents. 

  • Coordinating with other committees to continue to create a small school environment through grade-specific events, projects and activities.

  • Class Reps are responsible for preparing class specific messages, events and activities

  • Actively participates on at least one  Tech PA committee to develop the knowledge and experience to potentially serve in another elected leadership position in the future.


The President/Co-Presidents*: shall (1) preside at all meetings of the Tech PA, (2) be (an) ex-officio member(s) of all committees except the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee, (3) enforce the bylaws of the Tech PA, (4) appoint chairpersons of Tech PA committees with the approval of the Executive Board, (5) carry into effect all resolutions of the Executive Board and the General Membership of the Tech PA, and (6) generally perform all necessary and ancillary duties of the office. The President/Co-Presidents shall (7) delegate responsibilities to other Tech PA members, (8) encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities, and (9) attend all regular meetings of the Presidents’ Council or, alternatively, designate a member of the Executive Board of the Tech PA – the Designee – the task of serving on the Presidents’ Council.  The Designee shall provide a full report to the President/Co-Presidents of the matters addressed and their resolution at the Presidents’ Council meeting, which report shall be provided to the President/Co-Presidents before the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting.  


The President/Co-Presidents shall (10) meet and confer regularly with the Executive Board members in accordance with these bylaws to plan the agendas for the General Membership meetings.  The President/Co-Presidents shall (11) each be an eligible signatory on Tech PA checks and (12) sign all documents to be executed for and/or on behalf of the Tech PA. The President/Co-Presidents shall (13) assist with the June transfer of records to the incoming Executive Board. 


Recording Secretary*:  The Recording Secretary shall (1) record minutes at all meetings and (2) be responsible for preparing notices, agendas, sign-in sheets, and materials for distribution.  The Recording Secretary shall (3) prepare and post such proposed minutes not less than 14 days prior to the next PA meeting and (4) distribute copies of the proposed minutes at the next scheduled meeting for review, amendment, and approval by the General Membership.  After approval of the minutes by the General Membership, the Recording Secretary shall (5) within 14 days ensure the previously posted proposed minutes are amended to reflect the approved minutes and are posted on the website of the Tech PA.  The Recording Secretary shall further (6) maintain custody of the Tech PA’s records on school premises, and (7) incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and ensure that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the Principal’s office and posted on the website of the Tech PA.  The Recording Secretary shall also (8) assist with the June transfer of all Tech PA records to the incoming Executive Board. 

Note: Time Commitment: Less than 2 hours per week; required attendance PA Executive Board and General Meetings.


Assistant Recording Secretary:  The Assistant Recording Secretary shall be available to assist the Recording Secretary and perform all duties as needed and requested by the Recording Secretary in his/her absence.

Note: Time Commitment: Less than 2 hours per week required attendance PA Executive Board and General Meetings.


Treasurer*:  The Treasurer shall (1) be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the Tech PA, (2) be responsible for maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises, (3) be one of the signatories on checks, and (4) adhere to and implement all financial procedures established by the Tech PA.  The Treasurer shall also (5) prepare and present a written report of transactions at every Executive Board and General Membership meeting.  This report must include income, refunds, reimbursements, and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period.  The Treasurer shall also (6) prepare the interim and annual financial reports of the Tech PA as required by the Chancellor’s Regulations and (7) make available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and/or audit.  (8) The Treasurer shall assist with the June transfer of all records to the incoming Executive Board.

Note:Time Commitment: Less than 2 hours per week; required attendance PA Executive Board and General PA Meetings


Assistant Treasurer:  The Assistant Treasurer shall be available to assist the Treasurer and perform all duties as needed by the Treasurer in his/her absence.

Note: Time Commitment: Less than 2 hours per week; required attendance PA Executive Board and General PA Meetings


Corresponding Secretary:  The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for reviewing, maintaining, and responding to all correspondence addressed to the Tech PA. The Corresponding Secretary shall send acknowledgement letters under the signature of the President/Co-Presidents to individuals and organizations that have made donations to the Tech PA within a reasonable period of time after receipt of a donation.  Note: Approximate Time Commitment: 5+ hours per week. Keen attention to detail helpful


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising:  The Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising shall be the chair or co-chairs of the Fundraising Committee. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to planning and managing fundraising activities and events throughout the school year; acting as head of the Annual Fund; applying for grants, and any other activities to raise funds for the PA.  The position shall be a voting member of the Executive Board and may be filled by one or two people who agree to jointly share responsibilities thereby acting as Co-Vice Presidents. 

Note: Approx. Time Commitment: varies


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications:  The Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications shall be the chair or co-chairs of the Communications Committee.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to  preparing notices, announcements and memoranda to be distributed to the general membership; working with the school administration and PA to facilitate communications between the school and parents via the school and PA websites, email and flyers; and working to include translated versions of PA communications when possible. The position shall be a voting member of the Executive Board and may be filled by one or two people who agree to jointly share responsibilities thereby acting as Co-Vice Presidents. 

Note: Time Commitment: More than 5 hours per week; frequently including weekends.  Knowledge of Wix and Constant Contact helpful. Keen attention to detail and proofreading


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Events and Volunteers: Work to get parents involved in various events, including, but not limited to, the Teacher Appreciation Dinner, PA meetings, High School and College Fairs, Parent Workshops, Orientation Nights and Open Houses. Arrange for sign up pages (online or on paper) so that parents can commit to volunteering for specific time periods on event days. Arrange for PA events such as meetings and seminars to be placed on school schedule.  

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Diversity and Community Engagement:  The Diversity and Community Engagement Committee has been established to reach out to and engage the diverse parent population at Brooklyn Technical High School. The PA is committed to hearing the voice of every parent/caregiver, as that is key to the success of the Parent Association’s mission to engage parents and foster parent participation. We will build empathy, resilience and community by exploring, understanding and valuing our differences. Will be responsible for planning events and programs to promote a just, diverse, and inclusive community. The programs will include (but not be limited to): language interpretation services, discussions with faculty, administrators, alumni and students, the exploration of noteworthy art, books and film, community building activities and encouraging parents to run for leadership positions.


Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Sophomore Vice Presidents: The Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, and Sophomore Vice Presidents shall (1) represent the interests of the parent body of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes, respectively.  They shall (2) further assist the President or Co-Presidents in the execution of their duties, and (3) perform leadership roles in multiple Tech PA committees. The Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, and Sophomore Vice Presidents shall each (4) actively participate in the Fundraising Committee or the Communications Committee or both. 


Freshman Parents at Large:  The five Freshman Parents at Large shall represent the interests of the parent body of the freshman class. The Freshman Parents at Large shall participate actively in at least one Tech PA committee to develop the knowledge and experience to serve in a leadership role in future Tech PA Executive Boards. 


* Positions required to be filled at all times to maintain a valid PA.

Full Descriptions

Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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