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Naviance Deadline for college lists

A reminder that the Naviance deadline for students to add or remove schools from their college list closes on Nov. 10333 at 3pm.

NAVIANCE 账号停止增/减择校 11月10日下午3:00


12th Grade Parents:  Bring your college application process questions to a meeting with a College Office Counselor

12th grade parents:  Do you have questions about preparing a college list, college applications, financial aid, or making other post-high school plans?  There are two ways you can meet with a College Office Counselor:


1. You can sign up for a small group session with Ms. Paulson from the College Office.  All sessions are 8-9am at school.


2. You can sign up for a 30-minute, one-on-one meeting with or Ms. Maysonet-Sigler:麦金隆夫人

Student Last Names A - LIM   学生的姓氏首字母A - LIM


Ms. Maysonet-Sigler     美森尼西格勒夫人

Student Last Names LIN - Z   学生的姓氏首字母 LIN – Z


College Fairs



  • Women's College Mini-Fair:  Oct 25, 4-5:15pm, in the library.  Schools expected to attend: Barnard, Smith, Notre Dame (Maryland), Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Sage, Agnes Scott, Spellman.  Sign-up

    • 大学女校:10月25日,晚上4-5:15 请报名(9-12年级的学生)

  • FAFSA (Financial Aid) info night:  Oct 30, 5 - 7pm.  Info and sign-up

    • Parents and students of all grades should consider attending the financial aid info night to learn about the process of applying for financial aid.

    • 大学助学金的申请说明会:10月30日,晚上5-7. 请报名 (9-12年级的家长和学生)


  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) College/University Mini Fair:  Nov. 21, 4 - 5:15pm, in the library.  Sign-up.  Open to students in all grades.

  • Colleges attending:  University of Rochester, Stevens Institute of Technology. Lafayette, NYU Tandon, Sophie Davis, City College (CCNY), Rutgers, Syracuse, SUNY Binghamton, US Naval Academy, Cooper Union, Ohio State, SUNY Stony Brook, Manhattan College, Purdue, Rochester Institute of Technology, Air Force Academy, Air Force ROTC

    • 强调科学,科技,工程,数学的大学:11月21日,晚上4-5:15,在学校的图书馆 请报名(9-12年级的学生

    • 大学:罗彻斯特、使提分技术学院、拉菲弈、纽约大学、罗格斯大学、纽约市立大学、联合古帕、俄州大、纽约州宾汉顿,纽约州石溪,曼哈顿大学,普渡大学,罗切斯特理工大学,空军大学,海军大学,空军ROTC。

Sending SAT/Subject Test/ACT Scores

Log in to your testing accounts (e.g. and have your scores sent to the schools you have applied to.  Registered to take a test in October or November? Have your scores sent the same day you test to prevent delays in colleges receiving them.  All students get 4 free score reports the day of the exam -- 12th graders who already know which schools they will be applying to can save money this way.  

提交SAT/科目考试/ACT 成绩


College Rep Visits

请提醒孩子参加各大学代表来学校介绍的资讯会。时间表。 请使用Naviance报名。11-12年级的学生)

Parents of 11th and 12th graders:  College reps are coming to Tech to meet with students in October - December.  It's a great opportunity to learn about a college before schlepping (traveling) all the way there.  Also, often the college rep visiting Tech is the admissions officer who will read applications from Tech students!


Maybe encourage your student to sign up for some info sessions.

  • Schedule of colleges visiting Tech.

  • Don't forget to tell your student to fill out the form at the bottom of the page -- this form gives them permission to miss class to attend these meetings.

  • Sign up through Naviance.  Login in with student email and OSIS#, then "Colleges," then "view all upcoming college visits."

Thank you to parent volunteer Jessica Ip for helping with Chinese translation!

谢谢家长义工Jessica Ip帮大家翻译成中文!

Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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