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Elections and Executive Board Positions

At the Thursday, Apr 11, 2019 6:30pm PA meeting, we will:

1.  Take nominations for all PA Executive Board positions for 2019-20, except for 9th Grade Representatives (who will be elected in the fall).  Elections will be held at the Thursday, May 2nd meeting.  Candidates are strongly encouraged to nominate themselves through the online nomination form (due Apr 27), rather than in person.  Only parents of current 9th-11th graders (Classes of 2020-22) are eligible.​​  Please prepare a two-minute speech (strict time limit) for the May meeting.


2.  Take nominations for two School Leadership Team (SLT) Representatives.  Elections will be held at the Thursday, May 2nd meeting.  Candidates are strongly encouraged to nominate themselves through the online nomination form (due Apr 27), rather than in person.  The SLT is separate from the PA Executive Board.  Please prepare a two-minute speech (strict time limit) for the May meeting.

A parent could run for both the Executive Board and the SLT.

Being an elected member of the PA or SLT is a great way to make a positive impact on the Tech community and help Tech students thrive.   

Please read the official election notice.

If you have any questions, please email the nominating committee:

Positions Elected in the Fall

Freshman Parent Representatives (election held in October)

School Leadership Team (SLT) (election for one position held in September)

Positions Elected in the Spring


Recording Secretary

Assistant Recording Secretary


Assistant Treasurer

Corresponding Secretary

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Events and Volunteers

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Diversity and Community Engagement

Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Sophomore Vice Presidents (2)


School Leadership Team (SLT)


Board members are expected to attend monthly PA Executive Board meetings, which take place from 5-6:30pm before general meetings. Both Executive Board and general meetings generally take place on the second Thursday of each month. All Executive Board members are also expected to participate on a committee and volunteer for school based events.  


All Executive Board positions are one-year terms.  SLT positions are two-year terms.

Summary descriptions of each position are below.   See full descriptions here.




  • Preside over meetings

  • Represent the Executive Board

  • Meet regularly with Principal and AP of Parent Engagement

  • Coordinate just about everything the PA does

  • Encourage other Executive Board members to take on responsibilities

  • This position requires a significant time commitment, probably 10+ hours per week, and strong leadership skills.


Recording Secretary

  • Takes minutes of meetings

  • Maintains PA records

  • Requires attendance at all meetings, strong organizational skills

Assistant Recording Secretary

  • Backs up the Recording Secretary



  • Accountant and bookkeeper for the PA.  Tracks incomes and expenditures

  • Must be extremely detail-oriented

  • Time commitment of several hours per week

  • Very helpful to have an accounting background


Assistant Treasurer

  • Assists the Treasurer.  Good training to be a future Treasurer


Corresponding Secretary

  • Reviews, maintains, and responds to all correspondence addressed to the PA

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising

  • Plan and manage fundraising activities, such as the auction and gala

  • Requires a significant time commitment in the weeks or months proceeding the events


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications

  • Write the weekly TechTalk email

  • Manage the PA website and other social media accounts.

  • Candidates with written fluency in languages commonly spoken by Tech families (especially Chinese/中文) are encouraged to run!


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Events and Volunteers

  • Organize events such as the parent workshops, teacher appreciation dinner, orientation nights, and college fairs

  • Lead other parent volunteers 

  • Requires a significant time commitment for several weekends and evenings

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Diversity and Community Engagement

  • Promote understanding and inclusivity in our very diverse community. 

  • Organize events such as Dinner and a Movie Night, the Lunar New Year Dinner, and the ice cream social

  • Come up with new events or projects to make our community more welcoming.  Recent ideas have included a book club and also potentially offering translation services or speakers of LOTE at PA events.

Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Sophomore Vice Presidents, 9th Grade (Freshman) Vice Presidents

  • Represent the interests of parents of specific grades

  • Pitch in here and there, this and that, as needed

  • Most flexible time commitment


SLT (not a PA Executive Board position)

  • Evaluate and assess the school's educational policies and outcomes

  • Attend 1 mid-afternoon meeting per month



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Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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